Makeup & Gele Registration Form October2023
35th Edition Makeup and Gele Training Registration Form October, 2023

If you have trouble completing this form,you can register via SMS. Text Full name, Phone number, location and e-mail to 08090847558 E.g: Chioma Adewale, 0803785664,, Ikeja,Lagos or chat with us WhatApp:08090847558

Full Name (as it will appear on your certificate) *

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WhatsApp Number

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Alternate Number

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Telegram Number (if any)

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Contact Address

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E-mail Address *

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Gender *

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Are you a member of Youth Empowerment Nigeria? *

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How did you hear about us? *

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Referral Code (If you were refferred by someone, if not kindly ignore)

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Would you like us to send you List of Makeup Brushes Available?

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What is your skin shade?

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Connect with us

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