Advert with us extends advertising opportunity to anyone who wants to advertise their goods and services within our network. Which includes our website, Facebook page and so on.
Advert Category
Category A
Dedicated Page on our Website Displaying your goods or services, Contact Address, Telephone Number, Social Media Links and much more. Page shows number of views to your page.
A post on our Facebook page with engaging graphic design and content. Note; Graphic design and content will be provided by you.
Category B
Dedicated Page on our Website Displaying your goods or services. Contact Address, Telephone Number, Social Media links and much more. Page shows number of views to your page.
Registration / Order form is linked to your page for interested customer to fill delivered to your email address
A post on our Facebook page with engaging graphic design and content. Note; Graphic design and content will be provided by you.
For more information Contact
08095368459, 08031950043
WhatApp: 08095368459
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